Sunday, June 13, 2010

How I learned to love the Brood..

This will be my final entry into the journal. It’s been a very long time since I’ve done this. Been…busy. It’s all over. I can hear them coming. I thought I could beat them. Finish off what the dinosaurs started ! For awhile, I succeeded and my enemy was seemingly all but extinct. Joy set in and there was peace. Just as I was about to go to America and steal George Bush’s Mission Accomplished banner, they returned with a vengeance. I was Napoleon once. Now, I am at their mercy perhaps a bit higher than a slave for I shall feed my roommate to some time with that...then resist till the end !!!

It all began about a month ago . The colony…that was what I called it, was testament to species adaptability to the harshest of conditions. Always as I made my way to the loo, their pervasive stench would almost overwhelm my senses. In the night, they would come out, 2 or 3s hanging out around the Colony, feasting on left overs or crawling on the walls, sometimes too close for comfort. *Shudders* Sometimes, *cries* they even invaded the showers stalls and tried to terrorize me ! Luckily I was brave and stared them right in their millions of eyes, sending a strong signal to them, showing them who is boss. Also.. hoping they would crawl away FASTER !!! Wriggling too if it helps make em disappear fastah !

One can only have a certain level of tolerance for such disrespect right ? I was all A-OKAY with them harassing me, I’m a big boy but when one tried to invade my friend’s food, enough was enough ! Luckily I was nearby with a can of Ridsect to deal swift justice. For all you readers, I won’t allow my friends to get hurt damn it !D:<< True story.

So I brought out the aerosol can filled with nerve gas one day and...I committed genocide. The colony’s main entrance consisted of 4 shafts. I pumped lethal gas into each one. After awhile, they started coming out. First the larvae and teens, in their dozens they rushed out ! Then the adults, the big cheeses starting to come out for air they would never get. One by one, until more than 20 adults were wriggling around on their backs to the song of DOOOM. I bet there were many more enemy dead in the deeper caverns of the Colony, where no human can ever hope to penetrate. As the dust settled (most probably it was poisonous droplets but aw hell) a great feeling of triumph washed over me. I’d done it!

For the next few weeks it certainly seemed like I’d done what my momma said was impossible. Beat the cockroach. Sides feeling smug, I was feeling cocky too, disrespecting the Roach ! Know why the dinosaurs failed ? They only had brawn. God didn’t give them “akal”. Dinos didn’t have our scientific minds. They could only rely on brute force. That was why they lost. Haha, brilliant stuff at that time ! …..The Golden Days..that is what I will call them. Imagine, not a single roach in sight for 3 weeks sides a single tiny roach that happened to catch me in the showers nude-.. I mean off-guard again and no sinister smell whatsoever ! Can’t blame me for being so deluded at the time.

Then one fine night, something black slipped past my foot a bit like a ghost but a tad more terrifying. At first I thought I was seeing things….then I saw it slip past again. This time I saw it as clear as day even as it disappeared under my bed…the same roach from the loo…I turned my room upside down to kill it which I did after making a bit of a mess. This time, I didn’t cheer on. Instinctly, I knew what was about to happen. The infestations was about to begin again.

As I finish typing this, things have gone from bad to super duper bad. Before this, the colony was always in one spot. I figured being so close to the jungles, maybe the other predators around here kept their population in check to that area only. Now I know they simply chose to be there. They are the kings of the jungle here, not the centipedes, the frogs and certainly not me. They are everywhere now. They linger in the alleys, lounge around in the showers. Carrying the can in my little shower bucket is a must now. I know it gives me a false of security for they can strike anywhere at anytime. God’s first assassins. His most ancient ones too.

I smell one now…don’t know where it’s coming from. I could be kaput in a second when they choose. Either while I’m sleeping or a direct assault in their thousands. Or worse. They could wriggle into my clothes as I shower D: …. Whatever fate awaits me, the 2nd Infestation will not rest until they have their revenge. Their new queen needs a host. She needs me….

Ooops ! maybe I am getting mixed up with Aliens now, roflx10000