Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Spetsnaz VS Pirates, ARRR !!!!!

Well the Somalian pirates apparently have a spokesman and now, even a Pirate chief.....well I guess since Pirates of Caribbean had a Pirate KING, I suppose it's fair for pirates across the world to have at the very least a Pirate Chief. But this Pirate Chief just declared that all Russian sailors will be killed on the spot if they ever get captured again. Ohoh...bad move never ever poke the bear.

Guess this all started after the brilliant rescue operation by Russia's spec ops (spetsnaz) on the Moscow University tanker that freed all hostages and captured all 10 pirates 'cept 1 who was killed in the shootout. All in all, it was good. Then a problem occurred.

See, among the many problems fighting piracy is besides finding them, there are legal issues as well and I don't really know much but the Russians could not persecute these pirates because of..I dunno problems with international laws of the sea and the fact that Somalia has no real functioning government to take em in might be an what did the Russians do ? They let them go. Yeap. Only they did it gangsta style. They dropped the pirates in the middle of the ocean, hundreds of miles from any shoreline, without any navigation equipment, food or water. Basically, the pirates had to find land themselves and quickly. Till this day, the pirates are still missing.

What has happened is pretty obvious. Call it Mafia or cruel etc but since you can't hold on to these guys who will likely go at piracy again with AKs and RPGs because of "legal" reasons, the Russians did the next best thing and "released" them. Anyway, Chief is very unhappy about this and declared a sort of war. It's probably just more of a show of force but if he does go overboard, he might be really sorry soon.

For you see, Russia is not squeamish about action. Especially covert "wet" operations. Take Beirut's Civil War, a few Soviet diplomats were taken hostage by a militant group. There are many versions to this story but basically there are 2 versions :

1). The more sensationalized version is that the Ruskies captured the son of one of the militant leaders and sent the boy's ear to the family together with a message "Release our diplomats or we will castrate your son".

2). Another version was, the Spetsnaz kidnapped several members of the militant group and sent pieces of the militants back among them was a head with the same message promising more brutality if the diplomats are released.

Anyway, after a month of negotiations, the diplomats were released and no Russian was ever taken hostage again even as their American and French counterparts were kidnapped all the time. Talk about getting the message.

So yeaaa, enemies of Russia have been assassinated with a poisonous pen, gun disguised as lipstick or even a simple pickaxe. Russians are pretty tolerant by the way. While other Western nations shun Hamas calling them terrorists, who is the sole Western power that deals with them ? Bingo ! Russia ! So really, you don't poke the bear and the bear will leave you alone. Simple.